I am a junior researcher in the Systems Genomics - Heinäniemi Lab at the University of Eastern Finland. I work on applying machine learning models to study the genetic basis of biological phenomenon (by modeling single-cell and bulk sequencing data for example). More broadly, I am interested in machine learning with probabilistic principles, uncertainty quantification in deep learning, and efficient inference on long time series data.

I earned my master’s degree in information technology with a minor in statistics from the University of Eastern Finland. I was supported by a merit-based full tuition waiver and a living expenses stipend from the university. During my master’s studies, I interned at Arno Solin’s group where I worked on developing inference algorithms for nonstationary Markov Gaussian processes (based on Bayesian filtering and smoothing). Before that, I did my master’s thesis on botnet command & control detection for IoT networks at Ericsson - Finland under the supervision of Gergely Matefi and Pauli Miettinen.

I did my bachelor’s in computer science with a minor in business administration at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane in Morocco, also with a merit-based full tuition waiver. For my capstone project, I implemented an intelligent tutor for early algebra based on the Moroccan middle school curriculum. During my bachelor’s studies, I worked as a tutor for the Center of Learning and Excellence, as a software developer at ASC and Sankhya Jiva in Minas Gerais - Brazil, and as a software engineering intern at Google Munich. I was also awarded the Generation Google Scholarship in 2018 (previously Women Techmakers/Anita Borg scholarship).